Candace Adamson, ACP


   Amanda Nelson, ACP


   Mariah Sharkey

  First Vice President

   Cynthia Landon, ACP 

Second Vice President

   Kathleen Davis, ACP


   Delaney Voigt


   Rhonda Hoadley, ACP

NALA Liaison


   Candace Adamson, ACP

Region 1 Director

   Annette Fredrickson &

   Shannon Rezanina, ACP

Region 2 Co-Directors

   Amanda Flanagan &

   Tammy Wuertley, ACP

Region 3 Co-Directors

   Dena Alexander, ACP &

   Rhonda Hoadley, ACP

Region 4 Co-Directors

   Delaney Voigt

Region 5 Director

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The President presides over all Executive Committee meetings, Board of Directors meetings, and membership meetings. They shall be a voting member of the Executive Committee. They shall be an ex officio (non-voting) member of all other committees except the committee on nominations and elections. The President has a one year term.
The President-Elect assumes duties of administration delegated by the President. This officer shall automatically be chairman of the committee on bylaws revision and amendments. The President-Elect presides and shall assume all duties assigned to the President in the President's absence. The President-Elect shall automatically assume the office of President after having served one (1) year as President-Elect. The President-Elect has a one year term.
The First Vice-President is chairman of the committee on education. These duties include planning LAW's two semi-annual seminars (Fall and Spring), workshops and working with NALA in the event of co-sponsorship of any programs. The First Vice President has a one year term.
The Second Vice-President is chairman of the membership committee and is responsible for the development of programs to encourage membership in this association. This officer receives and processes all membership applications and renewals and is responsible for keeping a current roster of membership and reporting the membership to all officers. The Second Vice President has a one year term.
The Treasurer is the chairman of the committee on finance. These duties shall include management of debits and credits, subject to approval of the Executive Committee and as provided in the budget. The Treasurer shall prepare a budget for the ensuing fiscal year to be adopted by the membership at the annual meeting. The Treasurer has a two year term.
The Secretary shall be responsible for minutes for all meetings and permanent minutes and other permanent records of the association. This officer shall assist the President in any way, including giving notice of meetings.
The NALA Liaison shall act as Parliamentarian for the association. This officer shall be a NALA member, shall be familiar with the NALA Bylaws and Standing Rules, shall receive minutes of all NALA meetings, and shall represent this association at the NALA annual meeting of affiliated associations. This officer shall report on association activities to NALA. This officer maintains contact between NALA and the association.

Regional Directors

Each Regional Director shall work with the Second Vice President in the promotion of membership and shall work with the First Vice President in the coordination of education programs within their respective regions. Regional Directors shall attend meetings of the Board of Directors as nonvoting attendees at the invitation of the President to report on the activities of their respective regions, and to keep members of their regions advised of the activities of the entire association.

Region 1: Teton, Park, Big Horn, Hot Springs & Washakie Counties

Region 2: Sheridan, Johnson, Campbell, Crook & Weston Counties

Region 3: Fremont, Natrona, Converse & Niobrara Counties

Region 4: Goshen, Platte, Laramie, Albany & Carbon Counties

Region 5: Sweetwater, Sublette, Lincoln & Uinta Counties

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